Sky High (2003)
The horror series is adapted of a popular series manga, written by Tsutomu Takahashi and each episode will be directed by a famous realizer. Among the realizers, one will find Norio Tsuruta (Boxing ring 0) and Ryuhei Kitamura (Versus).
Shaku Yumiko (24) will play the role of Izuko, gatekeeper of the "Gate of Rancor" (a gate between this world and the afterlife), the destination for all the assassinated people. Izuko listens to the tragic tales of murder victims and gives to deaths three choices: to give up their hatred, to reach the paradise and to reappear; to refuse to accept their death and to haunt the world of alive as a spectrum; to be avenged by maudissant and killing alive, then to go down to the hells.
2022-11-03 11:02:58
2022-11-03 11:02:57
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