ShengSi XiangYi (2013)

Students and graduates of the Department of Chinese blue Zhuo tutor for a time commitment of their own, lost their youth , ideals and happy eyes of the world , lost the love of his girlfriend , with his best years time , taking care of an mother abandoned little girl until the girl grows up. Blue Zhuo to the girl 's future, telling relatives, friends, hide their illness, alone to the frontier to support education . Ten years, Blue Zhuo experienced emotional loss, marriage and divorce , a series of painful parting lover passed away and in the end the girl adult training , but he can not see the girl's happy life , because , years of exhaustion to make his twin Head blindness. Girl and mum eventually did go to America , stayed, and now she wants her life to take care of the most important person .Twelve years ago, Shen Rui is a single mother to go to America to study , in order not to worry , she handed cruel daughter just graduated from college Susu blue Zhuo ; rather then blue Zhuo , is saddled with a huge debt , had to work desperately poor boy . Twelve years later , Shen Rui successful return, high-spirited woman , but not her daughter to recognize ; then blue Zhuo , experienced feelings of frustration and accomplishment has been the prime big , ailing him , what should go from here ?
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