Break Up (2014)

n all confused subtle emotional relationship, our hero believes that love can reveal the whole truth, not love, but broke up.
"World of 7 billion people, the couple's relationship, but a million kinds of relationships in a trivial, but some people maintain it look more than anything else, our company is to break this self-righteous 'V relationship' get rid of your old love to look ahead. Simply speaking is to help you break up. "This is the boss Kan Wang (Wang ornaments) in negotiations" for some opening of business "is often used.
We are a specialist to help people solve problems parted company, hurt feelings by trained, talk about feelings talk about money, the company boss Wang Kan establishment, Kan Wang always said, "to talk about feelings hurt more money na", so he divorced bankruptcy, Though once fell into despair, but he still ready to rise again, since then, in this bustling city, always see him crazy dusk posting small ads on the scene.
2022-11-03 11:00:35
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