Beautiful Slow Life (2015)

A story of a married couple in short dramas, portraying four unforgettable moments in their lives from their encounter to separation. She (Tokiwa Takako) is the celebrated stage actress of a theatre company and he (Kitamura Kazuki) is a mere person in charge of props, who has secretly burned with love for her for some time. On Christmas eve in 1987, he finally gathers the courage to hand her a slip of paper with his contact details written on it. Observing the bewildered expression on her face, he half gives up and boards the train to go home. However, she is visible from the train window. He sees her standing at the platform looking and smiling at the paper he had passed to her earlier. Love soon blossoms and they get married and have children. They overcome differences and as they near the end of their lives, he makes his wife a last present.
2022-11-03 11:00:24
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Myasiantv @ 2014