A Tale Of Mari And Three Puppies (2007)
In the small village of Yamakoshi, a dog named Mari gives birth to three puppies, much to the joy of young owners Ryota (Hiroto Ryohei) and Aya (Sasaki Mao). Soon after on October 23, 2004, a major earthquake hits the area, and entire sections of Yamakoshi are reduced to rubble. Away from home, Ryota and father Yuichi (Funakoshi Eichiro) escape the worst of it, but Aya and Grandfather Yuzo (Utsui Ken) are trapped in their collapsed house. A rescue team arrives in time to save them, but there is no room for Mari and her newborn pups on the helicopter. With the entire village evacuated and blocked off, Mari and her puppies are left to their own means in the desolate village.
Inspired by a true story of canine heroism, A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies is a touching story of love and resilience starring some seriously adorable dogs that could give Quill a run for his money. Mari's tale of survival against all odds became a symbol of hope for the people of Yamakoshi in the aftermath of the earthquake, and was later turned into a best-selling illustrated book from which the film is adapted. A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies is helmed by television director Inomata Ryuichi (Golden Bowl) and features music from renowned composer Hisaishi Joe.
2022-11-04 11:01:47
2022-11-04 11:01:46
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