A Change of Heart (2013)

A heart transplantation surgery saves the life of a tycoon. Evil hearted man transplanted into an angel. Bosco/Michael enemies; Niki romantically involved with Bosco, Michael, Vincent; Michael Miu was a fierce/powerful businessman, but after his heart replacement surgery, he turned into a nice caring person; Joey Meng was Michael's nurse, and later marries him. She loves her husband very much, but was jealous when she learned Michael had an extramarital affair (with Niki); Bosco plays a pair of twins. The older twin is a doctor, dies and donated his heart to Michael, the younger twin develops a relationship with his brother's girlfriend, played by Niki; Niki is senior police inspector, Sammy is her subordinate; Mandy Wong works in PR, but is actually a crook; Vincent is a cardiologist, Joey's cousin; Mandy-Vincent-Bosco good friends; Bosco-Mandy are romantically linked
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